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Practical and Beautiful Fencing

Give your garden the makeover it deserves with premium fencing that blends beauty, durability and practicality.

There are a number of fence types to choose from:

The mosy commonly type of fence comprising horizontal slats.

Feather Edge

Wooden slats, overlapping on a wooden frame.


Closeboard fence panels are usually vertically feather edge boards which give a stonger build that Larch Lap.


Lattice fence panels are build on a robust frame holding decorative, header units.


Short evenly spaced vertical boards with a pointed or rounded top used for a boundary or decorative effect.


A trellis fence, which offering a pleasant design to the top of larch-lap or closeboard fencing, may be used to encourage climbers or other foliage.

A beautiful fence adds security, privacy and style to your garden.
Salisbury Fencing Services photo An example of closeboard fence panelling.
Salisbury Fencing Services photo Closeboard fence panels give a stonger build.
Salisbury Fencing Services photo A well constructed and installed fence will enhance the flower borders of any garden.
How can we help you?

For more information about our fencing services in Salisbury or anywhere in Wiltshire, contact Fraser on 07555 361144 and he will be pleased to discuss your requirements or arrange a site visit.