Clerk and Councillors
Having fun putting in a kissing gate in Winterslow!

Local people worked with South Wiltshire Walks Group to install this kissing gate in Winterslow.

Jane Tier (Clerk)

My name is Jane Tier and I am the Parish Clerk for Winterslow Parish Council.

I have been Clerk to Winterslow for 10 years and it is a very interesting and varied job!

When I first started it was a very different role to today whereby there was much more involvement by Wiltshire Council in local Parish issues. You could request that gullies were cleared or a pothole repaired and Wiltshire Council attended to it swiftly.

The Localism Act changed the way in which we work and brought more responsibilities to the Parishes with the devolution of services.

My tasks are varied and include:

Preparing the Agendas and minutes
Preparation of Accounts and Bank Reconciliations
Respond to Planning Applications
To act as a conduit for information between Wiltshire Council and the Parish Council
Reporting Highway and Rights of Way issues
Preparation of Annual Budget
Preparation of Annual Accounts
Freedom of Information requests
Purchasing Supplies / Goods / Services

These are main tasks that have to be carried and the most important task of any Clerk is to ensure that the Parish Council are working within the realms of the Law. I am a member of the Society of Local Council Clerks and the National Association of Local Clerks and the Parish Council is a member of the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils; all of these provide essential information on Law and Governance for the Parish Council.

I have obtained my Certificate in Local Council Administration and continue to learn through courses, training and seminars, you can never have too much knowledge!

Joe Elder OBE

I have lived in Winterslow since 1987, and I am married to Karen. Our five children grew up in the village and attend the village school. Three of my grandchildren have attended the school and our youngest grandson is due to start next year.

I have had a varied career in the Royal Navy and the police, serving around the UK and on international secondments. My last role being as a Monitoring Officer in eastern Ukraine.

It is a privilege to serve as a Parish Councillor and I look forward to playing a role in supporting fellow councillors and serving the community.

Winterslow is a great place to live and it has been a great place to raise my family. My desire is to maintain and improve the village for current and future generations.

There is much work to be done and as a newly co-opted councillor I hope to be involved in helping to manage Barry’s Field, trees, play grounds and liaison with the school and Neighbourhood Police Team.

Annabel Harding

My husband and I moved to Winterslow in early 2024, drawn to the village's feel and way of life.

Working life for me involves supporting the design and delivery of river and natural environment restoration projects.

When not occupied with helping on council matters or our house refurbishment works, you may find me out and exploring the local paths - in any weather!

I'm looking forward to helping with the sustainability and resilience of the parish, from our facilities to our green spaces.

Ivan Moody

I was born and brought up in Winterslow and attended the local school.

Living on a farm I have worked in the agricultural sector as a mobile engineer, repairing anything mechanical used on farms and more recently concentrating on the farm itself.

I am interested in the Community and often become involved in sorting out problems and helping out where I can. This led me into offering my services and becoming a Parish Councillor.

My specific roles include;
Emergency Snow-plan Co-ordinator
A member of the Footpath Group
A member of the Recreation Ground Maintenance Group
Village Map Group member

Simon Port

Simon has lived in Winterslow since 2005, is married to Carolyn and has two boys; both have attended the village school. Simon works locally and has had a keen interest in promoting the village since moving to the area.

In 2007 Simon joined the Parish Council and has been involved with the Recreational Grounds Committee, Barry's Field Committee, manages the defibrillator equipment and acts as liaison between Winterslow School and the Parish Council. He is currently Parish Council Chair and has previously held Chair and Vice-Chair positions.

Simon is an active swimmer and runs Salisbury Lifesaving Club, is a trustee of Stanswood Beach Rescue at Calshot, is an NHS Community First Responder and Chair of the Wessex Branch of the Royal Lifesaving Society.

Jonathan Prew

My wife and I moved to the village in 2019. I believe in supporting our local community, contributing where I can, and I joined the Parish Council in October 2022.

My career has been in the construction industry for over 40 years in many different roles, half of which to date has been in the public sector. I am a chartered structural engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers, serving on the design practice committee and the sustainability panel. I have a great deal of experience in all sorts of construction types and materials but particularly listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments.

My passions are in family and local history. My wife and I enjoy visiting different parts of our amazing country, but it is always great to be back home.

Richard Sheppard

I was born in Winterslow and I have lived on Weston Lane all of my life.

I spent all of my school years at Winterslow school, becoming Head Boy, and was one of the last pupils to attend until the age of 16.

On leaving I went straight to work on the family arable farm where I worked for 40 years.

I am married to Patricia and we have two children, Justin and Elizabeth.

My interests are music; singing with my group "The Pathfinders", sport; supporting "the Saints", and the Church; attending the Baptist Church on Weston Lane.

I have served on the Parish Council for over 30 years, having also been Chairman.

Currently I am a member of the:
• Recreation Ground group
• Emergency Snow Planning group
• And working on the SIDS Project

For over 70 years, I have enjoyed being involved with many village organisations always with the best of interests of the village at heart.

In the past my family made the ground available for the council houses at Highfield Crescent In 1990 we gave land to the village for the new Village Hall, Carpark and Tennis Court, and also made land available for the Doctors Surgery.

We are proud that we have been able to assist in providing these facilities, in a manner in which we hope to continue.

Mike Taylor

My wife, Dee, and I have lived here for 16 years, and our daughter and family (3 children) for almost 17 years.  So, between us, we really appreciate how Winterslow works so well across 3 generations!

My working life (some years ago now!) was primarily in Customer Service and Contract Management.

It was a privilege to previously be a Councillor for 9 years until 2022.

Shortly after leaving the Council I joined the Village Hall to help move forward their ideas to ‘refresh’ and improve the 30 year old hall and help ensure the future viability of this primary village facility.   It’s now hugely encouraging to see a new close partnership with the Council emerging in such a positive manner.

In my view, the PC’s core function is to positively engage with our community and to understand how best to support Parishioners (old, new, young, and not so young). We also need to work closely with our large number of village organisations and to, wherever possible, be the catalyst to help them thrive for the continuing benefit of all parishioners.

Winterslow is a wonderful, vibrant, caring community and the Council has a vital leadership role right ‘at the centre’ of that community.
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