Parish News 2024
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From the Parish Magazine's Editors Desk

Jenny Gee brings us up to date with the latest Parish Magazine news. For monthly updates, go to the Documents page News section.

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Temporary Road Closures

Please see the above link to the Notice for a Blanket Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for the Salisbury Journal advertising area covering dates from 29 June 2024 until 03 August 2024.

Notices and indicative plans with confirmed dates of individual closures will be sent to you a minimum of 2 weeks prior to works commencing. Please note that, when in the same area, closures will be in force consecutively.

The closure can also be found on here:

Please direct any queries regarding these works to

Posted 23rd May 2024

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Pincroft Lane Roadworks Update

Due to clash other works the Surface Dressing works programmed on UC PINCROFT LANE WINTERSLOW have been postponed.

The works will now commence on Thursday the 11th of July 2024 and will be completed by Saturday the 13th of July 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00.

Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to If you wish to discuss the works whilst they are in operation, please speak to a member of the workforce who will direct you to the appropriate person on site.

Posted 1st July 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Pincroft Lane Roadworks

Wiltshire Council advises carriageway repair works programmed on UC PINCROFT LANE, WINTERSLOW.

The site extents can be viewed on the drawings in the Documents section. These works involve KielyLock, reinstatement of road markings and associated maintenance works.

The works will commence on Thursday the 27th of June 2024 and will be completed by Saturday the 29th of June 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, however on occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally the discover the need for additional repairs once the work has started.

There will be advance information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.

Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health and safety is maintained for the contractor and local residents. Road Markings and Ironwork adjustments may need to be completed at a later date.

The main diversion route for all ‘through’ traffic whilst works are being undertaken within the road closure will be as per the road diversion drawing.

The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; but depending upon what operation is being undertaken and where it’s being undertaken residents may find that when accessing or egressing from their property in their vehicle, they may experience a delay and have to wait for plant to be moved out of the carriageway. WCC has suggested to residents that when leaving their property, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.

There will be points during the material laying process where vehicular access will be restricted as residents won’t be able to drive over the newly laid material, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure, therefore WCC has recommended to residents that if works are being undertaken in the vicinity of their property to speak to the workforce in advance to ask if there will be any restrictions with regards to access.

Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to If you wish to discuss the works whilst they are in operation, please speak to a member of the workforce who will direct you to the appropriate person on site.

Posted 17th June 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Proposed new History Club

This idea came about from talking with residents who were born and brought up in the village so their wealth of knowledge is endless. And it is this knowledge that I would like to capture. But not only of people, but places and names. For example, Nurses Corner which is where Cottage on the Bank is along Middleton Road.

Now I asked a silly question - why was it called that- well obviously it is where nurses lived but interestingly this led to a conversation about the nurses themselves, their names and their roles within the village. I was transfixed!!!! Also names of tracks, the history of a theatre, an old primary school in the grounds of the playground of the existing school. So I think these sort of stories should be preserved, how I don’t know yet, but I was wondering if a group of those born and bred in the village could get together and perhaps start something that could be preserved.

There is a wealth of history in this village, going back generations so lets keep it for future generations. Of course this idea leads to photographs as well as the written word. So if you have a box of old photos please get them out and if you can write on the back of them who, when, where they were taken, they too will be included. What the final result or how the history will presented is something that needs to be discussed but firstly if memoirs are written, with photos, this will be the perfect start.

So if you are interested in this project and what to participate please let me know and I will endeavour to take this forward and lets hope the history of this wonderful village can be preserved and treasured. It is going to be quite a project so if anyone wants to help me with the presentation of the history I would be delighted to work with you.

Contact me, Jenny Gee, on 01980 863948 or email

Posted 10th June 2024

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Closure of the MoD section of Winterslow Road

This is advise you that the MoD Section of the Winterslow Road, Porton, Salisbury will be closed between 10:30hrs and 15:00hrs on the 16th May 2024 for Operational Reasons.

A Public Notice will be posted in the Salisbury Journal the week prior to the proposed road closure and the local radio stations will also been advised.

In addition to this a number of diversionary signs have been arranged to be erected to redirect traffic around the road closure.

Dstl Porton Down apologises in advance for any inconvenience that this closure may cause.

If you have any questions relating to this road closure, please contact Sean Simms

Posted 7th May 2024

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Roadworks on Gunville Road (Part), Winterslow

Please see the above links to the Notice and Indicative Plan for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for Gunville Road (Part), Winterslow commencing 17th July 2024.

The closure can also be found on here:

Please direct any queries regarding these works to: Tel: 01225 713497.


Posted 13th May 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Carriageway Repair Works on Pincroft Lane, Winterslow

Carriageway repair works are programmed on UC PINCROFT LANE WINTERSLOW.

Full details and drawings are presented on the Notices section of our Documents page.

Posted 23rd April 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Road Carriageway Works - UC Pincroft Lane Winterslow - Update

Hello All,

The works for site have been postponed and will now commence on Wednesday the 7th of February 2024 and will be completed by Monday the 12th of February 2024 between the hours of 09:30 and 14:30.

The information has been updated on Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to

Kind Regards

Shivraj Yewale MSc, BEng

Graduate Civil Engineer

Transportation, UK & Europe

Posted 30th January 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Road Carriageway Works - Woodland Drive, Middle Winterslow

As consultant representative for Wiltshire Council, I write to inform you of carriageway repair works programmed on Woodland Drive, Middle Winterslow.

The site extents can be viewed on the attached drawings on the Notices page of our Documents section.These works involve application of Micro Asphalt, adjustment of ironwork and reinstatement of road markings where required.

The works will commence on Thursday the 8th of February 2024 and will be completed by Saturday the 10th of February 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, however on occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally we discover the need for additional repairs once the work has started.

There will be advance information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.

Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for the contractor & local residents. Road Markings and Ironwork adjustments may need to be completed at a later date.

The main diversion route for all ‘through’ traffic whilst works are being undertaken within the road closure will be as per the road diversion drawing.

The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; but depending upon what operation is being undertaken and where it’s being undertaken residents may find that when accessing or egressing from their property in their vehicle, they may experience a delay and have to wait for plant to be moved out of the carriageway. I have suggested to residents that when leaving their property, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.

There will be points during the material laying process where vehicular access will be restricted as residents won’t be able to drive over the newly laid material, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure, therefore I have recommended to residents that if works are being undertaken in the vicinity of their property to speak to the workforce in advance to ask if there will be any restrictions with regards to access.

Advanced signing will be erected and letter drops to all residents located within the site extents will commence week starting 22nd of January 2024. Signing will be in place advising that local businesses will be open as usual.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience these works will cause but trust you will appreciate the necessity for these essential works to maintain Wiltshire's highway network.

Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to If you wish to discuss the works whilst they are in operation, please speak to a member of the workforce who will direct you to the appropriate person on site.

Kind Regards

Shivraj Yewale MSc, BEng>

Posted 22nd January 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Road Carriageway Works - UC Pincroft Lane Winterslow

As consultant representative for Wiltshire Council, I write to inform you of carriageway repair works programmed on UC PINCROFT LANE WINTERSLOW.

The site extents can be viewed on the attached drawings on the Notices page of our Documents section. These works involve asphalt patch repairs, adjustment of ironwork, reinstatement of road markings and associated maintenance works.

The works will commence on Thursday the 1st of February 2024 and will be completed by Tuesday the 6th of February 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, however on occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally we discover the need for additional repairs once the work has started.

There will be advance information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.

Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for the contractor & local residents.

Road Markings and Ironwork adjustments may need to be completed at a later date.

The main diversion route for all ‘through’ traffic whilst works are being undertaken within the road closure will be as per the attached road diversion drawing.

The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; but depending upon what operation is being undertaken and where it’s being undertaken residents may find that when accessing or egressing from their property in their vehicle, they may experience a delay and have to wait for plant to be moved out of the carriageway. I have suggested to residents that when leaving their property, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.

There will be points during the material laying process where vehicular access will be restricted as residents won’t be able to drive over the newly laid material, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure, therefore I have recommended to residents that if works are being undertaken in the vicinity of their property to speak to the workforce in advance to ask if there will be any restrictions with regards to access.

Advanced signing will be erected and letter drops to all residents located within the site extents will commence week starting 8th of January 2024. Signing will be in place advising that local businesses will be open as usual.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience these works will cause but trust you will appreciate the necessity for these essential works to maintain Wiltshire's highway network.

Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to ( If you wish to discuss the works whilst they are in operation, please speak to a member of the workforce who will direct you to the appropriate person on site.

Kind Regards

Shivraj Yewale MSc, BEng

Posted 17th January 2024

Winterslow Parish Council image
Closure notice for Weston Lane, West Winterslow, Salisbury

Please see the above link to an urgent closure notice for Weston Lane, West Winterslow, Salisbury commencing 8th January 2024.

The closure can also be found on here:

Posted 8th January 2024

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